Steps we take. How to plan, position yourself for the changes to come, protecting your wealth, but moreover getting back your ownership of it. Even if you think you own your money, in many ways and in many cases it is not true. You will learn which steps I use to protect wealth and my family’s future, being the one who decides. Steps are way more simple than you imagine. We explain that simply, directly, with no technical complexity. We kill complication, and we aim to speak a simple language that everybody can understand.


We show, you decide. We do not provide financial advice. We just show you what we do with our money, and the easy-to-measure outcome that we generate. Then, you are the boat’s Captain, and you decide 100% on it. Simple steps to start making money work for you. Most of people think about money as a constraint, or as a necessary burden in life. In reality, money can be something very different, and can work for you, giving you the chance to reclaim your freedom.


I unconsciously traded many essential things for a very long time, thinking that a professional career in a corporation was the right way to go, the path to personal success and realization.

Not long ago I decided to play a bold trade and move along, leaving corporate. It was not easy and many people did not understand, as the trade implied breaking a career, a future, the financial security of my family (I have three kids) and the reputation I had in the company I worked for during 10 years. “Are you crazy????” That is what many people told me.

There are so many things you win when you are just open to lose…!!!



We try to explain in a simple way what is presented to you in the most complicated manner, done on purpose so you do not dare to try understanding it. Here, we strive to share knowledge, explaining why we take our choices, the reasons, the substance.

We help people to take the ownership of their money back, so they can make their own decision, instead of giving everything to a third party, a financial institution, a bank, broker, or a Hedge Fund, that in many cases is not going to put your interest first.

We do not provide financial advice telling you what to do. We provide with example, showing you what we do with our money, plainly, in a simple way. Then, doing it or not depends totally on you and on your freedom to make the choices you want.



Eudaimonia is a term that Greek Philosophers used to define the cultivation of virtue, the pursuit of human flourishing, the fulfillment of our unique potential as human beings.

During the last year and a half, I have gone through an incredible path of discovery, that unveiled a myriad of positive outcomes for my life. And I want to share that.

There is a major difference between doing what you want and like instead of what you have to. There is a major difference enjoying your time and being free to decide what to do with it. It also makes a difference to use that time to spread knowledge, and to help others to flourish.

That is EudaimonHUB.


“Another guy selling the same shit”, you might think. “He quit his job, and he is trying to sell to me that he is a millionaire, so I subscribe, I pay, and he makes his life on my behalf”.

Not at all. Not my purpose by any means. There is no subscription link here. Trust is what matters in EudaimonHUB, and it won’t be me trying to convince you to join the service.

I do not pretend to make a business of this, I do not chase likes, notoriety, followers or monetization. I already have what I need, and it is more than enough.

I just want to share it with people I trust, and that is exactly what I do. And that people I trust will welcome people they trust, if they want. There is no other way.

As always, let’s put examples before, facts, so conclusions go after. Never the other way around.

You can find a few here, quite recent in fact…